at the heart of all your reads

Our team of creators operates on each step of the creative process of making comics : writing, art, coloring, lettering. We also work on the French adaptation of many comics and manhuas. With MAKMA, you can read the greatest adventures of the moment.

Who are we?

MAKMA is a comic and manga creation studio : writing, art, inking, coloring, lettering, comic translation, logo creation. We work for all kinds of publishers and companies in order to make YOUR comic.

We’ve been translating and lettering your favourite heroes for twenty years

MAKMA has been translating and lettering your favourite reads for twenty years. From Batman to Deadpool, as well as Rick & Morty, the studio works with every comic book and even manhua publishers like Vers l’Ouest for example.

Create, Tell, Illustrate the greatest stories

MAKMA’s authors are, first and foremost, comic and manga lovers. Their objective: bring the comic adventures that they care about to life!